Free Resources

There is free information and support out there.

It may be hard to ask for support when there is so much judgement, silence, misunderstanding and stigma around suicide.

Know you deserve all the support you need – when you need it.

Here are some of my favourites.

Free emergency support

Samaritans (non-judgemental, free, 24 hour phone lines and email support): CALL 116 123

Support Groups across the UK

Survivors of Bereavement through Suicide

At a Loss: A list of grief charities across the world


Books can help us develop a relationship with suicide – a relationship none of us want to develop but one we must do now in order to move on.
They aren’t always easy to read and it may feel you are “indulging in your grief” but know this is your critical mind planting negative seeds that aren’t true. If you feel books will help, dip in and out as you feel drawn.
Survivors of Bereavement Through Suicide has put together an awesome list of books.

Advice to clarify how you might be feeling and what might happen after a suicide loss


Another Helpful booklet explaing what might happen after a suicide, from Public Health England


A guide about how to talk about your loss

Listen to stories of suicide-loss, suicide and healing

The healing naritives of suicide

Professional memberships & insurance partners


If you are in crisis please know there are people out there that want to help.
The Samaritans offer non-judgemental support 24 hours a day
CALL - 116 123

Go to our Resources page for more supportive resources